
Who is it for

If you are currently working with athletes and performers you are working with an at-risk population for eating disorders. Reaching peak performance should not mean developing an excessive preoccupation with eating, shape and weight.

Change will not come from the athletes alone but with the help of the organizations and the people who coach them, support them and work with them daily. With the right education, mindset, and protocols sports systems can be central in ensuring athlete health and wellness.

The DFP difference

Dare To Fuel Performance has created protocols, flowcharts and tools based on best practices in the fields of change management and eating disorders as well as profession-specific trainings designed specifically for performing arts and sports organizations.

We have the skills and competencies to enable you to transform your organization into a safe & empowering place for eating and body image.

What we offer

Education programs (Eating disorders, body image, RED-S)

  • Workshops or mentorship groups for coaches/teachers

  • Workshops or mentorship groups tailored to integrated support team (IST) members

  • Conferences for Parents

Safety protocols

  • Early Identification Protocols for Eating Disorders

  • Containing Risk Factors Prevention Protocol

  • Body Composition Assessment Protocols

Crisis management tools

  • First Intervention Protocol (flowcharts)

  • Ensuring Safety for Training Protocol (flowcharts)

  • Eating Disorders Treatment Management Protocol (flowcharts)

  • Managing Consequences of Eating Disorders on Other Athletes Protocol

I am proud of the progress we have made, supported by Alexia de Macar and Jodie Richardson. They were able to guide our teaching team by pointing out the markers to look out for. We have been able to address the major issues that can plague our aspiring artists: anxiety, low self-esteem, eating disorders, etc.
Anik Bissonnette • École supérieure de ballet du Québec

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